on 11th October Joe Meldrum Communications Officer from Plymouth Culture came to give a talk on marketing. Joe previously came to talk to us in our first year, his advice somehow seemed even more relevant to our current practice. His knowledge on how to market not just himself but his employ was really critical for us to see and extremely helpful.
These are my key points from his talk.
Who is our audience, how do we reach out to that specific audience?
Hygiene factors
In place as standard, if its not there will it put people off
Motivate people to engage, buy /donate /share
Website for the auction
Hear say but need a hub for people to be able to engage
Communicating one on one with people who are interested in helping young people in their careers
mentoring , helping them help you
Advice giving and taking
Previous students, who can give advice and maybe work, teachers are an easy contact for ex students, Alumni
Promotion work through social media platforms, paid advertisements that are directed to a suitable audience
Have a petty cash tin, for set up, leaflets, designing website etc…
Plymouth culture website links
How to keep audience interested after the book fair
Mailing lists etc…
Identifying future contacts
Talking to people at events
Online contacts
Contacts of contacts
Groups on social media
Introduce other groups work, they may be more inclined to help you in return
Combine marketing and fundraising
Donation page
Hook, promote, deliver
Something in return for a purchase that may reward/ nurture relationships